Mohandas Gandhi once remarked that,
“A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.”
I am not Hindu nor am I an expert on Gandhi. I have hijacked this quote…this thought…out of context as it seems to capture my journey, the good, the bad and the ugly of my daily adventure to be Just Man Enough.
I am fairly confident that Gandhi was focused on giving some kind of guidance to assist people in transforming their spiritual configuration toward becoming more enlightened human beings. Although not my original design intent with this blog maybe…just maybe…it could serve a greater good. Okay, so this is a bit deeper than you wanted or expected? Stay with me it there will be lighter moments…lol. You see, Gandhi believed a personal understanding, evolution and growth fundamental for any social or political change. Well, not sure if my journey to become “Just Man Enough” will lead to any social or political change but I think I understand where Gandhi was going with the thought.
My friend Jeremy Lentz, “The Imperfect Man”, by his own description….has helped me to understand that we are perfect in our imperfection….in our simplicity….in our striving….learning from our mistakes and building upon even our most modest of successes. Heeding our instincts to be straight, true and good. Building what?! What is success? A life? A relationship? A business? A fortune? I have always believed success to be relative, subjective, measured differently by each of us. My friend Jeremy just wants to be the best father he can be and he is becoming the product of that thought. Me?! Well, I have by most standards, failed more than I have succeeded in life….As I guess most of us do?
I have come to embrace the fundamental understanding that failing is how we learn….adapt…how we grow. In fact many of us, myself included, have become conditioned to find something or someone else to blame for those failures…”if only this then that”….for me it was that my father chose not to be my father and a mother who had no business being anyone’s mother. I overcame such thoughts by realizing that they were damaged people…sometimes bad…..not evil…just damaged. Over time I came to learn the why and the how of their damage…of their struggles…..and in turn I learned to forgive, although forgetting continues to be a lifetime struggle. So it is, that what I do not have in life may be attributed to what they were or were not or what they were or were not able to do…..but who I am, and what I have, is to a certain extent a product of their successes and failures? Dizzy yet?! It gets better…lol. Like my friend, Jeremy, I too am an “Imperfect Man“…I have learned to embrace my imperfection…the sum of my experiences…..and yes, my sometimes desperate but perpetually defining attempts to be “Just Man Enough”.
I am hoping that you will choose to join me in my journey to “figure it all out”….”to make sense of it” it is my wish that you will be inspired….to laugh, to think, to question, to discover, to reveal, to forgive, to enlighten and connect. Most of all I hope to help in my sharing, setting in motion a collision with your epiphany! My wish for each of you is for every fulfillment that comes with life’s never-ending adventure of self discovery. It really is the journey! Become the “product of your best thoughts”, and grow to be the human being you were meant to be.
Peace out,