I am as disappointed as anyone….maybe more. I have also taken a preliminary look at the numbers compared to the 2020 Presidential election and some things do not seem to make sense? I must also concede that I am vulnerable to talk of possible improprieties in my current state of disappointment. However, I remain committed to the steadfast belief that no matter whom, we must go where the facts lead us and follow the law. I intend to say no more about these concerning anomalies absent credible or verified information.
I am not a Democrat or Republican. I have been unimpressed by any candidates in the last 3 Presidential elections….and espouse no specific political philosophy. I believe that this, by definition, makes me a liberal. It is more apparent to me than ever that we are seeing evidence to support that the primary system, gerrymandering, the antiquated electoral college, and the lack of meaningful campaign finance laws have brought us to where we are today. It has been a slow march to this moment. We are cornered, figuratively, deeply entrenched within a seemingly unbreakable 2 party system. Money in the political process now more than ever has been decisively elevated to a power that challenges the people’s real impact by diminishing free speech and the power of the vote. Simultaneously, add in the abdication of the 4th rail of American political life….real journalists/journalism. All of which brings me to the biggest of all the factors…not listed…the American voter. Fat, lazy, stupid, spoiled, entitled, selfish, violent, narcissistic people. A smoldering discontent, stoked by those with the power, money and motive to exploit it. An electorate so blessed to live in this country that they take it for granted because they are oblivious to it or it is unknown to them what REAL suffering or struggle is like. Spend some time in Haiti, Africa, Southeast Asia or even India and I bet it would give you greater perspective on your manufactured “distress” regarding gas prices, the price of eggs or gays reading to your children. How did we go from the “greatest generation” who saved the world from fascism to their children, the “Baby Boomers”, who protested unjust wars/racism/sexism…to becoming a “society” that is as of this writing unashamedly and arrogantly embracing authoritarianism/fascism!? People that place a higher importance on their 401ks, their guns, the price of a gallon of gas, or the price of a loaf of bread over the issues of greater impact or meaning such as the cause freedom and self determination around the world (national sovereignty or Ukraine), or a woman’s or any person’s power to make decisions about their health/body, the rule of law, the health of our planet, due process and equal protection under the law?
The sickening truth my fellow citizens is that you chose yourself. You are exactly what the world thinks we are…you are him. And you decided while immersed in your selfish narcissistic bubble that your “way of life” can only be “secured” by a rapist, racist, cheating, lying, twice impeached, petty bully of a con man who has screwed over or ruined everything or anyone he has touched. An angry, petulant insecure child. A list of failures and failings too long to list in detail here. He has stoked your discontent into believing HE is going to “fix” what you believe is wrong!? The then sitting “POTUS” who knowingly incited a mob, which then attacked our congress to keep that congress from certifying the 2020 election!? And he then did nothing, but watch, for nearly 4 hours as those he incited sought to harm elected officials performing their Constitutional duty!? A man who violated his sacred oath as President.
” When people show you who they are…believe them.”
Each one of you, who in knowing all of this still chose to restore that man to the seat of power….I hold you in contempt of democracy….in contempt of every American soldier who died to secure and protect it. I am an American, I love my country…our Constitution. I do not know what you are but by every definition I hold dear…you are something different, something ugly. It is ironic, that in your insecure need to define who is an American and who is not and who is worthy of our legacy of freedom and who is not…you have placed yourself outside of it and put something else in its place. Whatever this something else is…it will not last…darkness has for now fallen…but the Sun ALWAYS rises…Always.
“When people show you who they are… believe them.”
A reckoning that you are not prepared for is coming.